
Denver Wedding Film | Heather + Jonathan

A love like Heather and Jonathan’s is beautiful so we were honored when they asked us to tag along on their wedding day and shoot their Denver wedding film. With historic venues for their wedding and reception and the couples anticipation for the big day, we knew this wedding would be a special one.

New Year’s Eve Introduction

Heather and Jonathan found love through a New Year’s party and a missing jacket. Jonathan hosted a NYE party which Heather attended with some friends and her sister. She wore her favorite jacket and couldn’t find it when it came time to leave.

After a few days, Heather reached out to Jonathan over Facebook, asking if her jacket turned up. It turned out Jonathan had placed it in a closet for her for safe keeping. Once she got her jacket back, Heather sent Jonathan a thank you note for saving her jacket and hosting a great party. That sparked their friendship which quickly turned into a relationship.

When in Rome (Or Prague As It Were)

One of Heather and Jonathan’s favorite things to do together is travel, so it only makes sense that Jonathan decided to pop the question while the two were traveling in Prague. It was their second day in the city and as they were exploring the cobblestone streets. They decided to stop at a town square and grab a drink and brat from a street vendor.

While they were enjoying their local treat, they met two girls from India who asked if they were married. Ironically, Heather answered with a, “hopefully someday.” Jonathan just laughed. They asked the two girls to take their picture before they left. The first picture snapped was a typical couple traveling picture. But for the second shot, Jonathan got down on one knee and asked Heather to marry him.

With Heather’s “yes” came the excitement and celebration of all the people around them. The following weeks, they spent traveling through Vienna and Budapest and dreaming up their wedding. Oh —and Heather couldn’t stop admiring her ring!

St. Catejan Catholic Church Wedding—Downtown Denver

Heather and Jonathan tied the knot at St. Catejan Catholic Church, a historic church on the Auraria Campus in Downtown Denver. A special moment for Heather was when her mom and sister escorted her down the aisle. A close friend of Heather and Jonathan’s married the happy couple.

At the end of the ceremony, a brass band snuck into the church and gave Heather and Jonathan a New Orleans style parade to their reception site. A day filled with family and friends continued in celebration at the reception at Tivoli Turnhalle.

There were touching speeches from the best man and maid of honor, a heart-warming mother-son dance for Jonathan and his mom (they danced to the same song that his parents danced to at their wedding), and the dance floor stayed hot all night long. The tower of desserts, featuring fluffernutters, was a big hit too.

A Honeymoon for World Travelers

In true Heather and Jonathan fashion, they had a European honeymoon scheduled. They spent time in Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, and Bosnia. First, Italy gave them relaxing gondola rides through the canals and endless amounts of gelato. Next, Slovenia featured towns out of a fairy tale book at Christmas time with homemade pasta, mulled wine, and getting to know the locals. Then, Croatia brought adventure as they explored the deserted streets filled with stray cats. And lastly, Bosnia was the perfect stop for these history lovers as they saw ruins from the war.  

What Was It Like Having Adam Create Your Denver Wedding Film?

When asked what it was like working with Adam, Heather said, “Adam has done a few of my friends weddings—Caroline Jamison and David/Vanessa Basset. When we got engaged I knew immediately who we would be using for our videographer! I would absolutely recommend him to other couples mostly because I loved his approach to shooting our wedding.

My husband was a bit hesitant to be on camera and was worried that it would be invasive that day. We found that this was absolutely not the case and forgot he was even there. I loved too how he worked really closely with our photographer to coordinate how to capture our day. Thank you so much for your dedication to our wedding!”

Vendor List

Venue: Auraria Campus – St. Catejan Catholic Church; Tivoli Turnhalle

Caterer: Biscuits and Berries

Florist: Project Floral

DJ: Gregory Garman

Hair: The Retro Room Salon – Johnna Roybal

Makeup: Verena Robles

Brass Band: Guerilla Fanfare

Photographer: Hitch and Sparrow  

Videographer: Aflatis Films

Wedding Coordinator: Brindle and Oak



To ensure the excellence of our films, we take on a limited number of weddings per season.